Truffle commands

This section will describe every command available in the Truffle application.


All commands are in the following form:

truffle <command> [options]

Passing no arguments is equivalent to truffle help, which will display a list of all commands and then exit.

Available commands


Compile contract source files.

truffle compile [--list <filter>] [--all] [--network <name>] [--quiet]

This will only compile contracts that have changed since the last compile, unless otherwise specified.


  • --list <filter>: List all recent stable releases from solc-bin. If filter is specified then it will display only that type of release or docker tags. The filter parameter must be one of the following: prereleases, releases, latestRelease or docker.
  • --all: Compile all contracts instead of only the contracts changed since last compile.
  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use, saving artifacts specific to that network. Network name must exist in the configuration.
  • --quiet: Suppress all compilation output.


Display whether analytics are enabled or disabled and prompt whether to toggle the setting.

truffle config [--enable-analytics|--disable-analytics]


  • --enable-analytics|--disable-analytics: Enable or disable analytics.


Run a console with contract abstractions and commands available.

truffle console [--network <name>] [--verbose-rpc]

Spawns an interface to interact with contracts via the command line. Additionally, many Truffle commands are available within the console (without the truffle prefix).

See the Using the console section for more details.


  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use. Network name must exist in the configuration.
  • --verbose-rpc: Log communication between Truffle and the Ethereum client.


Helper to create new contracts, migrations and tests.

truffle create <artifact_type> <ArtifactName>


  • <artifact_type>: Create a new artifact where artifact_type is one of the following: contract, migration or test. The new artifact is created along with one of the following files: contracts/ArtifactName.sol, migrations/####_artifact_name.js or tests/artifact_name.js. (required)
  • <ArtifactName>: Name of new artifact. (required)

Camel case names of artifacts will be converted to underscore-separated file names for the migrations and tests. Number prefixes for migrations are automatically generated.


migrate 的别名. 参考 migrate


Execute a JS module within the Truffle environment.

truffle exec <script.js> [--network <name>] [--compile]

This will include web3, set the default provider based on the network specified (if any), and include your contracts as global objects while executing the script. Your script must export a function that Truffle can run.

See the Writing external scripts section for more details.


  • <script.js>: JavaScript file to be executed. Can include path information if the script does not exist in the current directory. (required)
  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use, using artifacts specific to that network. Network name must exist in the configuration.
  • --compile: Compile contracts before executing the script.


Display a list of all commands or information about a specific command.

truffle help [<command>]


  • <command>: Display usage information about the specified command.


Initialize new and empty Ethereum project

truffle init [--force]

Creates a new and empty Truffle project within the current working directory.


警告: Older versions of Truffle used truffle init bare to create an empty project. This usage has been deprecated. Those looking for the MetaCoin example that used to be available through truffle init should use truffle unbox MetaCoin instead.


  • --force: Initialize project regardless of the current working directory’s state. Be careful, this could overwrite existing files that have name conflicts.


Run migrations to deploy contracts.

truffle migrate [--reset] [--f <number>] [--to <number>] [--network <name>] [--compile-all] [--verbose-rpc] [--dry-run] [--interactive]

Unless specified, this will run from the last completed migration. See the Migrations section for more details.


  • --reset: Run all migrations from the beginning, instead of running from the last completed migration.
  • --f <number>: Run contracts from a specific migration. The number refers to the prefix of the migration file.
  • --to <number>: Run contracts to a specific migration. The number refers to the prefix of the migration file.
  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use, saving artifacts specific to that network. Network name must exist in the configuration.
  • --compile-all: Compile all contracts instead of intelligently choosing which contracts need to be compiled.
  • --verbose-rpc: Log communication between Truffle and the Ethereum client.
  • --dry-run: Fork the network specified and only perform a test migration.
  • --interactive: Prompt to confirm that the user wants to proceed after the dry run.


Show addresses for deployed contracts on each network.

truffle networks [--clean]

Use this command before publishing your package to see if there are any extraneous network artifacts you don’t want published. With no options specified, this package will simply output the current artifact state.


  • --clean: Remove all network artifacts that aren’t associated with a named network.


Print the compiled opcodes for a given contract.

truffle opcode <contract_name>


  • <contract_name>: Name of the contract to print opcodes for. Must be a contract name, not a file name. (required)


Run JavaScript and Solidity tests.

truffle test [<test_file>] [--compile-all] [--network <name>] [--verbose-rpc] [--show-events]

Runs some or all tests within the test/ directory as specified. See the section on Testing your contracts for more information.


  • <test_file>: Name of the test file to be run. Can include path information if the file does not exist in the current directory.
  • --compile-all: Compile all contracts instead of intelligently choosing which contracts need to be compiled.
  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use, using artifacts specific to that network. Network name must exist in the configuration.
  • --verbose-rpc: Log communication between Truffle and the Ethereum client.
  • --show-events: Log all contract events.


Show version number and exit.

truffle version